Chucky 3×5 Review: “Death Becomes Her”

Chucky Season 3 Part 2 Episode 5 review
Tiffany chats with Old Doll Chucky in ‘Death Becomes Her’ (Image: Chucky Season 3 Episode 5)

The live-action Chucky series returned for Part 2 of Season 3 with Episode 5 titled ‘Death Becomes Her’. The latest offering didn’t waste any time when it came to letting the audience know about Chucky’s newest plan to cement himself as history’s most dangerous serial killer.

When the third season of Chucky decided to use the White House as the main setting, I wasn’t expecting the narrative to dive deep into the paranormal. Yes, Charles used voodoo to resurrect himself. But, from what I can remember, the long-running Child’s Play IP never had a bunch of ghosts pop up to scare the humans. That’s why it will be interesting to see how the fandom at large reacts to Chucky Season 3 Part 2 going down such a route.

Chucky’s not the only threat in the White House anymore. The ghosts of the people he murdered are somehow interacting with the land of the living. Joseph’s running around trying to get James’ attention. Henry sees pieces of Teddy’s skull dripping down from one of the paintings. James watches the death of his secretary in a pool of blood. Charlotte and Warren witness Miss Fairchild’s murder. With how things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if the ghosts of the people who died during the Halloween party also appear soon enough.

I’m not sure why such a thing is happening though. My current theory is that Chucky’s plan to gain Damballa’s favor somehow created a breach between the land of the dead and the living inside the White House. More souls might bleed over down the line. There’s one particular ghost I’ll talk about in a bit.

Most of ‘Death Becomes Her’ deals with Old Doll Chucky basically giving up. Murder doesn’t excite him anymore. He even contemplated not fighting back when Jake, Devon, and Lexy finally came for him. I liked seeing a sad Chucky. As someone who has lived a very long life thanks to dark magic, I could understand why he was so close to admitting defeat considering the circumstances.

However, a phone call with Tiffany helps knock some sense into Chucky. Tiffany wasn’t ready to let Chucky throw in the towel just yet. Regardless of the relationship troubles the two had, Tiff still regards Chucky as a brilliant serial killer. According to her, if Chucky was indeed going to die, he should consider going out with a bang and make everyone acknowledge his brilliance.

Chucky’s plan to gain access to the nuclear codes makes sense. He’s dying anyway, so why not take as many people with him as possible, right? I doubt Chucky will be able to actually deploy the nuclear warheads… but it’s going to be fun to see him try while Jake, Devon, and Lexy do what they can to stop him.

I would have preferred to spend more time with Old Doll Chucky experiencing melancholy. However, with only three more episodes left this season, I get why the creative team opted for a quicker pace. There are a bunch of story threads that need resolution.

We still have to see Tiff break free from prison and escape her execution. She seems to be having a good old time after having placed all of the guards under her control through dark magic.

As for our Trio, Lexy reaches out to Grant to repair their strained relationship. Even though she continues to feel guilty about manipulating Grant in such a manner, Lexy had to do what needed to be done to find her sister and hopefully break her free from Chucky’s control. I do wonder how Grant will react when he realizes Lexy’s been using him in such a manner and her feelings for him weren’t genuine. At this point, I don’t see Lexy’s character going through the trope where her “fake” romantic feelings end up being real for a boy. She means business.

Jake and Devon decide to fight fire with fire, and that meant turning toward the supernatural. I like how they find the same doctor who diagnosed Chucky’s ailment. I wouldn’t mind some kind of web series featuring this doctor treating patients suffering from various curses.

The doctor tells the boys that Chucky is going to die soon and they would be better off staying away from him. It’s sound advice. One that Devon even thinks about following. I mean, I don’t blame him. With Chucky dying of old age, Devon, Jake, and Lexy could travel to another city and begin anew. But, of course, the Trio doesn’t have such luck. Chucky always found a way to survive and the Trio had to ensure this time his death stuck. I still don’t understand why Andy hasn’t shown up to lend a much-needed assist.

Anyway, being alone allows Jake and Devon to finally sleep together. The two are so in love with each other. And that’s why I can’t help by worry about their fate. I don’t want either of them to die or get gravely injured. But knowing what type of show Chucky is, anything can happen.

Coming to the particular ghost I wanted to talk about: the major twist in ‘Death Becomes Her’ is James’ death. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Old Doll Chucky killed the freaking President of the USA to get his hands on the nuclear codes. Kudos to the special effects department with Chucky ripping the skin off James’ face and then pulling his eyeballs out. So good!

Even though he’s dead, I don’t think this is the last we have seen of James. There are certain scenes from the promo that are yet to happen. So, I would assume that James will stick around in the White House as a ghost. I think he will try to warn his family about Chucky. Whether he will be successful or not is the question.

All in all, ‘Death Becomes Her’ offered a quick-paced episode as it laid the groundwork for Old Man Chucky’s next plan of action. He wants the world to burn!

And yeah, I can’t finish my review without mentioning the scene where a rapidly aging Chucky is channel surfing and commenting on other horror genre dolls that appear on his TV screen. We see him get annoyed by The Boy (“What a f*cking joke”), Dead Silence (“He didn’t even get a franchise”), and M3GAN (“That little b*tch! She stole my moves! F*ck you, Ma-three-gan!”)… CAMP!   

Did you watch Chucky Season 3 Episode 5 ‘Death Becomes Her’? What did you think of it?

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Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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