Last Twilight 1×08 Review: Episode 8

Oh geez. Oh my. I am an incoherent puddle of goo after this week’s episode of Last Twilight, which tempered the terror of last week’s cliffhanger ending and gave us almost an entire episode of trope-y beach-y goodness.

Unsurprisingly, Day’s condition is deteriorating. I’m sure we all saw this coming, but Mhok and his family seem legitimately devastated by the news that he has maybe three months left before he completely loses his sight. I think they all were banking on Chekov’s corneas, the transplant they keep mentioning, and haven’t really focused on the reality of the situation. What they should be doing is preparing Day for the inevitability, making sure he’s able to function semi-independently while he can still partially see, so that he’s well-equipped for when he eventually loses his sight.

But this is BL drama, and the last thing we want in our BL dramas is realism. Get out of here with your logic. (I do think it’s weird that the doctor was talking like Day was dying, though. Like, “Hope you have a bucket list, dude.” He’s still going to be around to do things after three months.)

I have mentioned this before, but the more they bring up the cornea transplant, the more I’m convinced it’s going to be a thing. Either Day gets the transplant or he doesn’t, but I fully believe it’s going to be an option. Otherwise, I don’t think they’d keep bringing it up.

And I can’t help but worry that something is going to happen to Night, and he’ll end up being the donor. I do have reasons for this, it’s not just because it’s the most melodramatic and therefore the most likely conclusion. The longer we go without learning what exactly happened to fracture the brothers’ relationship, the more convinced I am that there isn’t going to be a reconciliation – or that it will come too late. There are only four episodes left, and they just introduced Day’s absent father, which is a twist that this show seriously did not need.

At this point, I think it’s fairly obvious that Night was responsible for the crash that cost Day his eyesight. From the way Day refused to be in the car with Night, but particularly in the passenger seat (despite having been driven around by Night in the first episode), it looks like Day would rather not be in a car with his brother. Which makes sense, if he was driving when Day had his accident.

But following up on his behavior in last week’s episode, it’s clear how much Night loves his brother. Knowing how important it was for him to go to Aon’s wedding, he convinced his mother to let Day go. And when Day wanted to go home rather than go with Night, he helped Mhok facilitate their “escape” by giving him money and letting them leave. And when Day was lashing out at him, he let him be angry and didn’t respond in kind.

So I am very eager to learn what happened, but at the same time I do worry that death knells are ringing for Night. I hoped that after his interactions with Porjai last week that they were leaning towards them becoming a couple, and she’s had enough bad luck. But I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is coming.

Now, on to the trope-y beach-y goodness. It’s basically BL law that every show has to feature at least one scene at the beach and one scene where the couple is playing in the water, bonus points if you can put those in the same scene. And Last Twilight did that, featuring a scene where Day looked happier and more free than he has potentially ever. It was like when he and Mhok were doing their dinosaur battle earlier in the series.

And that kiss on the beach? Well, I do declare that was probably the most tender kiss I think I’ve ever witnessed. Day taking Mhok’s face in his hands so that he could feel him smiling, and the soft way he thumbed over his lips (after Mhok moved his hands, silently asking for a kiss)? Exquisite. Especially because it was Day taking the initiative. He made the choice after the race, but all throughout this episode, it was Mhok starting things, Mhok using the word “boyfriend”, while Day kept trying to stifle him lest people find out.

Once they got away from Day’s family, though, he lost some of the trepidation he had and was a lot more free with his touches. Touch is important for these two in particular, but I love the focus on the little touches, the adoring looks. Showing Day’s hand on Mhok’s knee was fantastic. And of course, their dance at the wedding – Mhok basically always had one hand on Day, guiding him without being obvious about it, the way a normal dance partner would.

Also, their flashy entrance in their fancy wedding attire? Brilliant. That’s when you sit up and take notice. Or at least I did.

I love seeing the casualness and intimacy of their touches, because occasionally you’ll have a BL where the couple doesn’t really touch, or their interactions are more like best friends (Dangerous Romance, I’m looking at you). With Last Twilight we get both the friendly banter (like, oh, pranking your blind boyfriend), but we also get sweet moments (like Mhok turning Day’s middle finger into the sign for “love”). Jimmy and Sea have such a natural, easy chemistry in this show. They’re like an old married couple perpetually on their honeymoon.

OK, so, I was spoiled for Day’s dad showing up because I saw a post on Tumblr before I had the chance to watch. But they were definitely laying the groundwork throughout the episode. Day’s mother really did not want him to go to the wedding, and you’re meant to think it’s because of his deteriorating eyesight, but in retrospect, it was probably for exactly this reason. Perhaps that’s why she wanted Night to be the one to take him. And then Day bringing up Mhok’s dad basically out of nowhere, and us never getting an answer to where Day is from, if not Bangkok.

All of that leads to Day’s dad randomly showing up at the wedding, and I’m hoping that next week they explain how Day’s dad even knew that he would be there. Because Songkhla isn’t exactly a small town.

Anyway, I think the next episode is going to kill me, so it was nice knowing all of you.

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.

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