‘Moon Knight’ Submitted for Emmy’s in ‘Limited Series,’ No Second Season Announced

Moon Knight Season 2

Moon Knight has been submitted for Emmy consideration in Best Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series and Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series. This seems to indicate that there is no second season on the horizon for this incredible show.

Diehard Moon Knight fanatics have been tracking Emmy buzz for a few weeks now. We’ve seen it listed under ‘Limited or Anthology Series’ and knew this could mean that we wouldn’t get a second season announcement for a while, if ever. Oscar Isaac also said as much in a few interviews. So this isn’t exactly new information, but now that it has officially been submitted, it’s worth talking about.  

Moon Knight has been something completely new and exciting for many longtime MCU fans. In addition to Oscar Isaac’s absolutely killer acting as Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, and even briefly as Khonshu, the story brought many elements to the mega-franchise that we haven’t encountered yet. The care in which it handled the topic of mental illness and the unique Egyptian elements has made it a stand-out series. Nothing else in the MCU feels like this show does. And that’s a good thing.

It can also be watched completely independently of the main MCU, which has brought in new fans. Oscar Isaac fanatics who haven’t been keeping up with other Marvel content have also gotten on board, which is delightful. Besides brief mentions of Madripoor and the Ancestral Plane, there’s basically no other mentions of the rest of the franchise. It’s a great show for new fans.

So how does something this amazing not have a second season already lined up? Were they worried it was too different? We embraced it, I assure you!

Unresolved Moon Knight Emotional Storylines

Fans are clamoring for more largely because of the unresolved emotional storylines. We got conclusions for the major plot elements – Marc and Steven were saved, Jake Lockley was introduced, Ammit was defeated – but a lot of the emotional aspects had no conclusion at all. Perhaps fans who watch primarily for the plot won’t care much about this, but for those of us who are drawn primarily to characters, this is a major bummer.

I have a lot of questions. Will Marc and Layla reconcile? How will they handle the introduction of Jake to the system? How will Jake introduce himself? Will they find out that they are still tethered to Konshu? How will Marc and Steven handle that? How will Steven and Layla’s budding relationship unfold? Will Layla continue being Taweret’s avatar? 

We need some answers. I have and will continue to write fanfiction to provide said answers, but official resolutions to these things would be greatly appreciated.

Emmy Voting Timeline

They may hold off on announcing a second season so they don’t screw up their chances at an Emmy or two. If they announce it too soon, Moon Knight might not be eligible in the category it was submitted for and completely nerf their odds. So let’s look at how the Emmy timeline breaks down and figure this out. 

Nomination Voting

The nominations that were submitted for consideration up to today will go through a voting process that concludes on June 27th. The official nomination list will then be announced on July 12th. I’m not sure if they would tempt fate by announcing between when voting ends and the announcements are made in July, so I would say we almost certainly won’t hear anything until after July 12th. 

If they don’t get officially nominated, they may make an announcement after that date. Dare I hope that they do it at SDCC? Please! But at the same time, I really need Oscar Isaac to be officially nominated for his acting at the very least. I think if I had to prioritize what I want more – an Emmy nod for Oscar Isaac or an earlier second season – I would choose the Emmy for Oscar Isaac. He deserves it. I’ll wait longer for more content if it means he gets a nomination.

June 16
Nominations-round voting begins

June 27, 10:00 PM
Nominations-round voting ends

Tuesday, July 12
Nominations announced

Official Nominations

If they do get officially nominated (please), we likely won’t hear anything for much longer. I would safely assume we wouldn’t have an announcement until after August 22nd if that happens. That means there certainly won’t be an SDCC presence, and fans will be antsy for a couple of months more. But it also means our spectacular show is getting the recognition it deserves. It’s a double-edged sword!

Week of August 8
Final-round videos available for viewing

August 12
Final-round voting begins

August 22, 10:00 PM
Final-round voting ends

Other Possibilities for More Moon Knight

Someone suggested to me that they could skirt around this rule by making a ‘new’ series. Something like “Moon Knight and the Scarlet Scarab,” or something like that. Is that possible? I’m not entirely sure. Let’s look at the rules for ‘limited series.’

Limited Series is defined as a program with two (2) or more episodes with a total running time of at least 150 program minutes that tells a complete, non-recurring story. The story arc must be completely resolved within its season, with no on-going storyline and/or main characters in subsequent seasons.

The ‘no… main character in a subsequent season’ is just vague enough to be confusing and potentially screw up this option. Could Marc, Steven, Jake, and Layla come back on a different show? Would that run afoul of these rules? I feel like it would, but I don’t know of any precedent that would make this a possibility. If you know of a precedent for this, let me know in the comments!

Alternatively, they could do a movie. We know that’s generally allowed as WandaVision was nominated under this category and Wanda was very much a main character in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I would much prefer a Disney+ series over a film. When it comes to two to three hours of content that I have to pay extra for and not get to watch repeatedly, versus six or more hours of content at my fingertips with no additional charge (I’m permanently subscribed to Disney+ and will never cancel), the choice is clear. 

But I’ll take anything, really. So this is fine. Give me a movie if you must.

Reasons to be Hopeful

Some Disney+ users have been receiving surveys asking them about a potential second season. That means that they are thinking about it at the very least. Strangely enough, that survey also hints that Harrow could have survived, or very possibly could have a prequel if fans loved him enough. 

I didn’t receive the survey, but hope people are voting up Steven, Layla, and Taweret! They were my favorites by far. To those that got the survey, please show them some love on my behalf!

Additionally, Marvel changed their wording in tweets that reference the finale. It went from “series finale” to “season finale.” Interesting. Could a second season already be in the works, but they just can’t announce it in case it ruins their Emmy chances? Gods. I hope so. I really do.

At this point, all we can do is wait. The fate of Moon Knight is in Feige and Disney’s hands. I pray to the Gods that they realize what an absolute treasure they have with this show and give it the second season that it deserves. But it’s up to Feige and Disney now. What are they going to do?

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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