“Nothing Special” Webcomic Heading to Print

It’s been a while since I recommended a webcomic, but one of the first series that I highlighted was Katie Cook’s Nothing Special. The sweet story of a teenager who inspires the spirits of dead plants and her part-fairy boyfriend, Nothing Special has been one of my happy places since I stumbled across it on Webtoon. And now it’s coming to print!

Cook has come out of her self-imposed social media hiatus to make the announcement, and I’m happy that I can finally report on this with an actual source. I visited Cook’s table in Artist Alley at last year’s New York Comic Con and she shared the news with me then, and I have been bursting with excitement ever since.

Nothing Special will be published under the recently-launched Ten Speed Graphic imprint, which is a part of Ten Speed Press, which sits underneath the Penguin Random House publishing umbrella. This will be Cook’s first original graphic novel, though she did spend several years writing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comics for IDW and has worked on several other titles for Marvel and BOOM!.

The first of four volumes, Through the Elder Woods, is expected to hit shelves in March. Following the first season of the webcomic, Through the Elder Woods clocks in at over 400 pages and will feature never-before-seen material. Cook has warned readers that their bookshelves had better “gird their loins”, because all four volumes are expected to be very thick. With Webtoon’s unique publishing format, it was virtually impossible to tell how many pages each episode would translate to.

According to Publisher’s Weekly, the bonus content will include concept art, character profiles, and tons of fun jokes. (If you’re a fan of the comic, you’ll know that there are tons of geeky jokes and references hidden in the background of almost every panel.) We’re apparently going to learn Radish’s backstory, which Cook says is something that fans have been clamoring for.

If you’re not already reading Nothing Special and you’d like to check it out (and you should!), you can read it free on Webtoon. You can pre-order the first volume from a number of vendors.

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.

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