Perfect 10 Liners 1×11 Review: Episode 11

Yotha becomes a little less mysterious in this week’s episode, but maybe he should have left a little bit of mystery. (Seriously, someone please get that boy in therapy.) Meanwhile, Gun is trying to steal Arm’s title of “Most Oblivious” because he is not picking up on anyone‘s signals, no matter how obvious they are.
This week’s episode seems to pick up right where last week’s episode left off. When Gun and Yotha return to their room, Yotha is invited out to the movies by Arm. He immediately asks if he can bring Gun. So we get a nice little double date. This serves really well at highlighting how similar our first two main couples have been in temperament. Gun and Arm exit the theater arm in arm, sobbing, because they are the same person, while Yotha and Arc look like they have no idea what they see in these boys, because they are also the same person.
While Arm and Gun are in the restroom, Arc sort of confronts Yotha about whatever he’s doing at the bar. He doesn’t tell him to stop it, but he does ask him to not bring Arm into it while Arc is away at his internship. Which leads me to believe that something is absolutely going to happen while Arc is at his internship.
And it turns out that the “fights” that Yotha gets into aren’t entirely just about violence. Apparently, Yotha’s big secret behavior is that he, like, purposely breaks up couples. If someone approaches him to flirt, but they have a partner, he implies that he’ll only give them his number if they break up with their partner. If they do, he gives them a fake number and “ghosts” them. After all, someone truly in love with their partner wouldn’t be flirting with anyone else.
That is, honestly, a lot to unpack. (It’s also kind of goofy, not going to lie.) I mean, it’s not like he doesn’t have a point. But to expend that much energy on something like that? To purposely engage in that kind of behavior? Yotha was clearly hurt by a relationship, which is all but confirmed by both of his brothers. We don’t know what exactly happened, but it obviously has something to do with Warich (this seems to be the official spelling so I’ll switch to that). More on that later.
So Yotha basically doesn’t believe in love. It’s hard to blame him. His parents are divorced. He went through something with Warich, and still has to spend time around him because of the bar. (I am surprised he spends so much time there, considering his ex is a business partner. If he was so traumatized by their relationship, why does he keep showing up the one place he knows his ex will be? How bad is his family situation this is the preferable alternative?)
All of this leads me to believe that whatever Yotha feels for Gun is significant. This is a guy who is so jaded he breaks up couples for funsies. But he is out here all but pouring his heart out to Gun, and meanwhile Gun is just trotting along, completely oblivious.
Perth and Santa’s chemistry really is insane. The waist grab at the bar? The totally unnecessary double shoulder pat after Gun ties Yotha’s tie (in public!)? The eye contact?
I love how Yotha softens around Gun – his little smiles, the way he gets right up in his personal space. He seems to enjoy flustering Gun, and he doesn’t seem at all frustrated that Gun isn’t picking up what he’s putting down. I think Yotha is really lonely and is enjoying the closeness that he has with Gun. He realized pretty quickly that Gun is a genuine person who really cares about him, and so he’s beginning to open up.
This is nicely contrasted with how Yotha is around literally everyone else, but nowhere is this more evident than in the scene where Gun is with his friends and Yotha makes him tie his tie. Franc and Book tentatively say hi to Yotha, who just seems to glare at them, and as soon as he’s looking at Gun, he has hearts in his eyes.

Now, back to Warich. This week, his other half finally showed up. Interestingly, he and Klao are already dating. I’m a little surprised, because as I mentioned in my Wandee Goodday reviews, established couples are not common in BLs. I think it’s good to introduce more, as it allows the possibility for more varied plotlines. After all, the issues facing an established couple are often different than those facing a couple who are not yet dating.
Anyway, it’s now officially confirmed that Warich is indeed Yotha’s ex. He also seems like a walking red flag. He’s older than Yotha, obviously, given that he is Newton’s business partner and clearly not in school anymore, whereas Yotha is starting his first year of university. Also, it looks like he has a penchant for younger partners, but then gets angry at them for being immature. At least, that’s why he’s currently fighting with Klao.
We don’t know what happened between him and Yotha, but whatever it was apparently put Yotha off of relationships for good. I’ve already questioned why Yotha spends so much time at the bar, but also why does Warich always seem to be needling Yotha? He doesn’t like when his partners are immature, yet here he is being a passive-aggressive douchebag.
I don’t like how he talks when Yotha brings Gun to the bar. (By the way, Newton and Nop just casually bringing up Yotha’s trauma is such a jerk move. No wonder Yotha doesn’t have any friends.) “Oh, Yotha can smile? Yotha can talk? Yotha has good moods?” How much of a jerk were you while you were dating that he never felt comfortable enough around you to smile? It doesn’t say anything good about Warich as a person.
The way Klao confronts Yotha at the end of the episode hints at some serious history there, which we’ll hopefully learn more about next week. Maybe Yotha has tried to break them up before? Or Klao is just reacting to Yotha’s reputation. Then again, if I were Klao, I think I’d be upset if my boyfriend was constantly around his ex, too.
And since we seem to have abandoned the pretense of this story being told via flashback, as I theorized after episode 9, Wine did make another appearance. He and Faifa have a very cute scene where they run into each other and Faifa massively overcompensates in trying to make it up to Wine.
Let me tell you, I seriously misunderstood Faifa when we first met him at the beginning of the series. I pictured him as a bit of a playboy (which may still happen, a year is a long time) because everyone seemed wary of him having anything to do with Wine. But the Faifa that we’ve seen in these past few episodes seems very eager to please. It was so cute how he ran off and bought Wine a new shirt, socks, and multiple drinks to make up for spilling his coffee on his shirt.
I wonder if this kind of caretaking has anything to do with his family situation.
Anyway, it looks like things are coming to a head next week, and I’m anxious to see if this leads to the two of them actually getting together, or if something silly and ridiculous will happen that puts it off for another week (or more).
Author: Jamie Sugah
Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.
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