The Heart Killers 1×07 Review: Episode 7

Well, everything hath hitteth the fan…eth. Fadel and Bison, now aware that Style and Kant are informing the police, are determined to pay them back. And by the end of the episode, absolutely no one is happy. I’m clinging desperately to all of the promotional interviews claiming that this was a romcom, because right now there is no “rom” or “com” and I’m hyperventilating about it.
This is the episode I’ve been waiting for, and everyone delivered. Everything is out in the open now; Fadel even knows Bison encouraged Style to pursue him. There is a lot of shouting and some tears, but the brothers resolve to get Style and Kant back by giving them a taste of their own medicine. That is, they intend to make the other two fall in love with them before killing them. Little do they know that Kant and Style are already in love with them!
Of course, neither Fadel nor Bison are inclined to believe anything Style and Kant say. It’s hard to blame them. After all, both of their relationships were built on lies. That’s a difficult thing to overcome. But at the same time, I think they want to believe it.
Case in point, at the bowling alley, when Style pretends to choke only to turn it into a fake (?) proposal, Fadel seems genuinely concerned for a man he’s intent on killing. Maybe it was him playing a part (they were in public after all), but I do think Fadel loves Style and doesn’t really want to hurt him. If you contrast his and Bison’s reactions to learning the news in the previous episode, Fadel looked heartbroken while Bison looked murderous.
Likewise, when Bison had Kant at gunpoint and was ordering him to jump in the water, when Kant actually did, Bison seemed surprised. I’m not very familiar with the Thai language, but it seems that Bison switched to a ruder language during the boat scene, and then at the end switched back. Bison is legitimately angry, given his multiple murder fantasies, and he’s deliberately being cruel by using Kant’s biggest fear against him. But when he tells Kant to prove he loves him by jumping into the ocean, and then Kant does, Bison is like, “Why did you do that!”
Honestly, even though he went to the extreme effort to get Kant isolated, I have to wonder if Bison is wavering on killing him because of what he said in the hospital. Bison was awake while Kant wept over him, apologizing for the lies and promising that from then on, everything was going to be real between them. He’s obviously still angry after that, but Kant was alone and thought Bison was unconscious; he had no reason to lie.
(Then again… that was The Plan. Make them fall in love, then take them out. He’s the only one who stuck to it.)
And I know I’ve been waffling back and forth about whether or not Kant’s feelings for Bison are as strong as he claims, but I think this episode proves that they are. He was legitimately distraught when Bison got stabbed. It’s hard to fake that.
Can we talk about First’s acting, though? He was phenomenal in this episode. I loved the way he handled the boat scene. Despite clearly being terrified, reliving one of his most traumatic moments, he got very calm and serious. It shows how good Kant is at compartmentalizing. This is also the first time that Kant has really asked for anything – to go back on land. He’s totally willing to tell Bison everything, he just doesn’t want to be on the ocean.
I really appreciate that both Style and Kant were, like, immediately suspicious of the new, lovey-dovey Bison and Fadel. Well, Style keeps bringing it up to Fadel himself, but when Kant mentions it, Style is like, “We’re amazing! Of course they’re in love with us!” He seems extremely optimistic about the idea of their love saving Bison and Fadel from a life of crime.

To be fair, Style may actually have a point. Fadel had numerous opportunities to carry out his plan and didn’t follow through. At the bowling alley, he was going to drug Style’s and Kant’s drinks, but he saw someone suspicious head into the bathroom after Style and never ended up doing it. Later, he has Style helpless, tied up, in his underwear, on the side of an abandoned pool, and he doesn’t pull the trigger. He keeps threatening to shoot him, and Style just keeps going, “Sure, babe, whatever you say!” Which we’ve established is one of the major reasons Fadel fell for him in the first place.
Can I just mention the fact that Style never actually did any informing? I kept expecting that to come up and it never did. Style’s biggest crimes against Fadel are that he basically approached him on a dare and that he knew Kant was working with the cops – but only after he asked Fadel to be his boyfriend. I guess it says a lot about Style that he admitted to working with the police but insisted that he really did love Fadel. After all, this is a man who buys his boyfriend’s brother drinks on his birthday and loudly announces to an armed man that no, Fadel is his boyfriend, actually.
Also, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it yet, but these people are just…not good assassins. Fadel has terrible firearm safety. Bison was going to shoot Kant on an obstacle course when it would have been very obvious what happened. Keen was just going to shoot someone in a bowling alley in front of at least a dozen witnesses. Bison and Fadel kidnapped Kant and Style from the hospital in front of everyone and their grandmother. (Hell, Fadel managed to do it in a hospital crawling with cops.)
Speaking of Keen, what was he doing there? I mean, no, I know what he was doing there. The question is, was he there on Mom’s orders, or was he taking the initiative? And did Fadel know that it was Keen in the bathroom following Style?
All in all, it was a horrible way to end an episode, but it looks like there’s a lot to look forward to in next week’s episode, so I’m tentatively putting my tissues away.
Author: Jamie Sugah
Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.
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