PositiviTEA Tuesday with The Geekiary (7/12/16)

PositiviTEA Tuesday

Welcome to the second week of our new series, PositiviTEA Tuesday with The Geekiary! For today’s round of fun posts we bring you X-Files, Iron Man news, and more…including Pokemon GO, of course…

For your first PositiviTEA Tuesday laugh of the week, Tumblr user Cary Grant & Cupcakes shared the following photos with the hilarious caption “Gillian wanted to keep him, so she skinned him & made a lovely chair. It was Gillian’s favorite chair.” I don’t know about you, but this one seriously set me to giggling.

PositiviTEA Tuesday X-Files Cary Grant & Cupcakes TumblrPositiviTEA Tuesday Gillian Anderson Cary Grant & Cupcakes Tumblr

Keeping with that celebrity theme for today’s PositiviTEA Tuesday, Tumblr user Trishdishes (a.k.a. “Brave”) posted this amazing news – Liam Hemsworth and Jeff Goldblum dressing up as…The Rock? For some reason? Regardless, it’s pretty perfect. You could almost call it cosplay, I suppose…

PositiviTEA Tuesday Jeff Goldblum Liam Hemsworth The Rock Tumblr

Meanwhile, Iron Man is now a 15-year-old black girl and we here at The Geekiary are super excited about Marvel continuing to diversify their heroes!

PositiviTEA Tuesday Iron Man

Now, I know not all of our readers are from the Spice Girl generation, but their first hit song “Wannabe” is certainly memorable. Therefore on this PositiviTEA Tuesday we wanted to share The Global Goals’ video called “#WhatIReallyReallyWant”, which gives that song an amazing new message. Check out the video, and don’t forget to share a photo of yourself with a sign showing what YOU really, really want for girls and women. Make sure you use the hashtag #WhatIReallyReallyWant!


And last but not least…of course we need to talk about Pokemon GO. Now, we are by no means a finance blog, but in a general time of downturn this one game caused Nintendo stocks to soar 35%, which is of course a great thing. Not to mention the fact that this game is – for the most part – bringing people together (this article from CBS Boston speaks for itself). I myself ended up standing in the Chicago O’Hare airport talking to an employee while we caught a Jynx together (right near one of the half dozen or more lures that were set off just while I waited for my flight). And I don’t even want to talk about how many extra kilometers I walked while visiting Chicago this weekend – I mean, look at this Pokemon GO perfection…

PositiviTEA Tuesday Pokemon GO Chicago

Keep an eye on The Geekiary for more Pokemon GO; I’m already collaborating with several other site authors to put together a review and experiences post about this amazing game!

Did you see something in the past week that warmed your heart? Please let us know in the comments…

Author: Tara Lynne

Tara Lynne is an author, fandom and geek culture expert, and public speaker. She founded Ice & Fire Con, the first ever Game of Thrones convention in the US, and now runs its parent company Saga Event Planning.

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