Shigaraki Hand Cream is a Ridiculous Marketing Ploy… But I Want It

Shigaraki hand cream

The new season of Boku no Hero Academia will begin on October 12th and anticipation is high. So now is the perfect time to announce the absolutely ridiculous Shigaraki hand cream because OF COURSE this is a thing.

For those of you out of the loop, Shigaraki is one of the main antagonists of Boku no Hero Academia. He’s a member of the League of Villains and has a grudge against All Might and the One For All quirk holders due to some rather unfortunate childhood trauma (watch the anime, y’all. I’m not about to spoil you on the drama bomb). He’s also covered in hands. Like. It’s a thing. So, I guess having his own line of hand cream makes sense. I guess.

From the company that brought you Boku No Hero Academia hero “shichimi” spices, Seiemon company is introducing a brand new product, a mysterious hand cream called “Shigaraki’s Hand Cream!” The cream will come with a “peculiar fragrance” and is very moisturizing!

Despite the fact that Shigaraki – or ‘Shigs’ as some of my friends call him – is covered with a bunch of hands, I’m not entirely convinced he’s the best spokesperson for a moisturizing cream product. Shigs is always itching himself and has incredibly dry lips. I don’t think he’d understand how to properly moisturize himself even if Jonathan Van Ness volunteered to be his personal aesthetician. (Side note: someone please write a fic where the Queer Eye guys fix Shig’s life, please, because this bro needs it).

But maybe that’s why he’s perfect. Our Shigs has a severe skin condition and needs some self-care. Give him a nice hot bath with some colorful bath bombs and light some fragrant candles for ambiance. Give him a mani and a pedi (and another mani and another mani and another… because he has a lot of hands, you see). And then use this fabulous hand cream to finish the whole pampering experience and send our fresh villain out to face the day, confident in the new moist aesthetic he’s been equipped with. He’ll be a brand new man and ready to face the world.

The new Shigaraki hand cream is listed on Aitai Kuji for $20, but the release date is still TBA. Keep an eye out for updates. I’m super tempted to get it out of curiosity alone.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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