What can we do to #SaveHannibal ?


This afternoon Fannibals around the world were crushed to hear that NBC officially pulled the plug on Hannibal.  We’ve been struggling ever since Season 1 to keep the show on the air and it’s been on the verge of cancellation repeatedly, but somehow managed to pull through at the last second.  This time, we weren’t so lucky.  But I’m a stubborn Fannibal.  I won’t let this show go down without a fight and if you love it even half as much as I do, you won’t take this as the final blow to this wonderful work of art either.  And our wonderful showrunner, Bryan Fuller, doesn’t seem like he’s quite ready to throw in the towel yet either.  He’s still talking about what’s in store for season 4:

Fuller declined to provide too many specifics about the direction of a possible fourth season, except to say, “It would have explored the Hannibal-Will Graham relationship in a much deeper fashion than the series ever has before.”

Yes, Mr Fuller, the shippers hear you.  If LoVe shippers can save Veronica Mars, perhaps Hannigram shippers will heed the call and pull out all the stops.  This doesn’t mean the relationship will be canon, but I’ve been quite satisfied with what Fuller has given us so far.  But the promise of more fodder for our ship isn’t the only reason to save it.  This show is truly a piece of art and the high production quality can’t be denied. It’s visually stunning, tightly written, and compelling.  It pushes the envelope and isn’t afraid to go where many other writers are afraid to tread.  For these reasons, Hannibal deserves to tell the story that the creators want to tell.  It can’t end here.  It needs to be saved.

So what can we do?

  1. Call Netflix at 866-579-7172.  OFFICIALLY PASSED
  2. Contact Hulu.  UPDATE: Call them at 888-265-6650.  Thank you @daddymads for finding the phone number for Hulu for us.  Considering that Hannibal won their 2015 Best In Show Award, they may actually listen to the fandom.  Definitely mention that when you contact them.
  3. Call Amazon Studios 888-280-3321.  OFFICIALLY PASSED
  4. Contact Lifetime. Call them at 212-210-1400. 
  5. Call HBO at 212-512-1208.

Both Netflix and Hulu have saved shows from cancellation before, but in order for this to work, Fannibals need to act now and in great numbers.

What probably won’t help.

Unfortunately, contacting NBC probably won’t help.  Once a show is announced as being cancelled as opposed to just not being picked up, the Network is pretty much done.  When Hannibal was threatened to not be renewed, contacting NBC en masse was a great idea.  But this is an entirely different beast.  It’s cancelled.  NBC is done. At this point it’s best to turn our attention to Netflix and Hulu.  Other networks may be interested too and I will update this post with information as it comes out.

So that’s that, Fannibals.  You have a mission.  #SaveHannibal.  #EatTheRude.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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21 thoughts on “What can we do to #SaveHannibal ?

  1. An update: I wasn’t able to get through to Hulu, not surprising considering I’m on European time. Was able to get through to Netflix and Amazon, both of whom were very nice. For Amazon, (for now) either ask to leave feedback or to speak with a representative of Amazon Instant Video, who will forward any and all messages to the folks at Amazon Studio. Another number to reach them at is 1-866-216-1072 (U.S. and Canada only). The guy on the phone was really keen to help and said the more calls they receive about Hannibal, the better our chances because they’ll log each one and forward the metrics on in addition to forwarding our “feedback.”

  2. I chatted with a CSR for Amazon Studios… here is his response: “Thank you for your suggestion that Amazon Studios pick up the show Hannibal. We are getting many people asking us to pick it up. We understand it’s disappointing when a favorite series will no longer air. Currently Amazon Studios is focusing on developing and producing original content and isn’t seeking already-produced material that is ready for market. However, we are letting the powers that be know that there is a lot of interest. (We like the show too!)”

    1. How many times should each of us email them, do you reckon? I’m all for increasing the volume as much as possible, but, you know, don’t want to irk them too much. Any ideas?

      1. Good question. I’ve only called each place once (except Amazon I called for different information regarding this that I hope to be able to publish in the future). My suggestion is to spend effort getting as many people as possible to call them instead of just calling in repeatedly yourself. They may keep logs of phone numbers and I personally feel that one call from many people is more powerful than many calls from a few people.

    2. Interesting. I will call them to confirm and if that’s a good method I will update the post.

  3. Has anyone specifically looked into Lifetime? I know there was some bitterness over them holding the Silence of the Lambs rights for their own Clarice Starling tv series, but as that’s yet to appear, might there be a possibility of them pulling in Hannibal and folding some of their plans into the existing show and fanbase? And with recent films like Big Driver, they’ve shown they have little problem showing highly disturbing imagery and content.

    1. Haven’t considered that. Do you have a contact phone number? I plan on calling HBO today as well.

  4. Amazon has saved shows! They saved Ripper Street for a third and final season. And since Hannibal already has streaming rights there, that may help.

    Are there any numbers for Starz/Showtime/HBO etc?

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