We Are Getting Westworld Season 4! Rejoice!

Parce Domine - Westworld Season 4

As we all sit at home at wait out this apocalyptic nightmare, the apocalyptic HBO show that’s been keeping us steady has been renewed. We get Westworld season 4!

Hearing that we get Westworld season 4 is absolute music to my ears.  Reviewing this show on a weekly basis has been pretty much the only remotely stable thing in my life for well over a month and I’ve developed an even stronger affinity for it than I had before.  It was already one of my favorite shows on television, but now its basically my lifeline during the pandemic.  Just knowing that it’ll come back for another season when all of these weird circumstances that we’ve found ourselves in will hopefully be over brings me a lot of joy.

No word on when exactly Westworld season 4 will air, and I’m sure we won’t know that for a while, but I feel like a lot of the pre-production for television can be done remotely, so perhaps it won’t be too terribly impacted by all of this.  Then again, we know they have a five season plan already, so they might have a lot of pre-production done already.  Who knows?  Someone get Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy on the phone and ask!

Westworld began as took a dramatic turn in season three when it shed its western trappings and leaned fully into the hard science fiction genre show that was always lurking underneath the surface.  We seem to be heading towards a showdown between Maeve and Dolores in the finale, and I have a sinking suspicion that one of them won’t make it to the next season.  I hope I’m wrong, though, because I love them both, even though they are dramatically different.  We’ll see soon, I suppose.  With only two episodes left, things are about to escalate super quickly.

Westworld airs on Sundays on HBO.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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