The Bitching Dead Issue #26: Who Asked for a YA Version of The Walking Dead?

With The Walking Dead season 10 episode 16 (‘A Certain Doom’) and the premiere of The Walking Dead: World Beyond (‘Brave’) having aired, of course, The Bitching Dead webcast came back to cover it all.
In The Bitching Dead issue 26 Bekah, Tara, and I talked about The Walking Dead season 10 episode 16, ‘A Certain Doom’, and TWD: The World Beyond season 1 episode 1, ‘Brave.’
The current global situation threw off the broadcasting schedule of The Walking Dead franchise. Now, season 10 of the main series will end sometime in 2021 after getting six additional episodes. At least the good news is that the core series will conclude with season 11 in 2022.
While the long-running The Walking Dead main series will end, AMC will do everything to keep the franchise going with more spin-off shows and movies. Sigh!
Here’s The Bitching Dead issue 26 webcast!
The Walking Dead season 10 episode 16 highlights from the webcast:
- Our collective disdain over season 10 of TWD getting six additional episodes.
- Apparently, season 11 will be an extended season with 24 episodes!
- Why would the network give Daryl and Carol a spin-off? Who will look after Judith and RJ?
- The upcoming Tales of The Walking Dead spin-off might bring back older characters (before a lot of them were killed off).
- I continue to be happy whenever Aaron’s adoptive daughter Gracie appears.
- The three of us being disappointed about no one important being killed.
- Tara and Bekah didn’t like my suggestion that Jerry should have died.
- Tara randomly dressed up as Eugene.
- Also, why is Eugene still alive?
- Bekah liked how Beta’s death was handled.
- She also liked the cliff scene with Lydia and Carol.
- How the heck did Carol continue to walk from sunset until dawn without stopping?
- Aaron and the masked ninja guy are going to hookup, right?
- Maggie’s return could (and should) have been handled a lot better.
- The Commonwealth soldiers definitely look like Stormtroopers.
- Oh! And Connie’s back!
The Walking Dead: World Beyond season 1 episode 1 highlights from the webcast:
- Okay! Who the heck asked for a YA version of The Walking Dead?
- Trying to figure out how Hope and Iris are related to each other.
- Why the two sisters are called “Hope” and “Iris”.
- Hope knows how to make champagne. Good for her.
- The acting is… it’s not good.
- We did like Elton and Felix, though.
- Elton and his karate class.
- Elton and his bite-proof Corduroy suit!
- The Triceratops horn that (supposedly) belongs to Elton.
- Did we mention we really liked Elton?
- World Beyond is the first TWD spin-off to give us an openly queer character right out of the gate. There was no “reveal” when it came to Felix.
- Of course, Felix’s boyfriend Will is going to die. You can’t have too many queer people running around in TWD.
- It’s only a matter of time before Elton finds out Hope, as a kid, killed his pregnant mother and he goes crazy wanting to seek revenge.
- What kind of father decides to knowingly put his children in danger?
- And yes, for now, we don’t think that the Civic Republic woman is completely evil (we could be wrong).
- We are definitely looking forward to the ratings for TWD: World Beyond. With binge-able streaming content, is the intended YA audience even interested in weekly shows?
For those interested, Bekah’s on a new webcast with Erin called The Bangtan Babes Cast where they fangirl over BTS.

Tara’s also got a new webcast, Sagas & Sass (link to Facebook Page). It’s a genre fiction webcast/podcast that will focus on one series at a time. The first episode, covering the Grishaverse, will go live this Wednesday!
As for me, my queer-led mystery novel Missing in Somerville got a second reprinting. Check it out (Goodreads, Amazon, NineStar Press) if you’re into a young bisexual wannabe boy detective who has a lot to learn.
So, did you watch ‘A Certain Doom’ and ‘Brave’?
Let us know.
Author: Farid-ul-Haq
Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.
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