Lovecraft Country 1×8 Review: Jig-a-Bobo

The real-world parallels continued in ‘Jig-a-Bobo’ as our main cast of characters tried everything possible to remain safe in a world (human and supernatural alike) that’s out to get them.
With only two more episodes left in the first season of Lovecraft Country, our cast came together in a manner unlike before. I have seen certain viewers state that particular storylines have felt disjointed, with certain characters off doing their own thing. So, it was nice to see a number of players coming together in the latest episode.
‘Jig-a-Bobo’ opened with the death of Emmett Till, one of Diana’s friends whom you might remember from the scene where the kids were messing around with the Ouija board back in episode 3. Of course, it linked to the unfortunate murder of the real-life Emmett Till, a 14-year-old boy who was a victim of racism back in 1955.
While the neighborhood’s mourning Till’s death and protesting the treatment of the Black community, the episode focused on Diana trying to come to terms with the state of her life. The little girl lost her father, her mother’s missing (presumed dead), and now one of her friends was gone. That’s a lot to handle.
Kudos to the young actress Jada Harris for doing an incredible job.
Seeing Diana’s emotional predicament was heartbreaking. The adults had their own issues. And I think it was the episode’s intention to showcase how the young aren’t always listened to even by those who love them.
While along, Diana’s cursed by Captain Lancaster. The curse manifested in her being chased around town by two demonic girls dressed up as Topsy from Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The jerky movements did remind me of Jordan Peele’s Us. And yes, I get that they were supposed to be scary, but I couldn’t help but laugh a bit as I thought, “These little demons have the choreography down! Good for them!”
‘Jig-a-Bobo’ followed Diana as she tried to explain things to the adults around her. However, after realizing she was one her own, she took matters into her own hands and stood up to the supernatural (without any magical help, unlike Leti and Atticus, which I’ll get to in a bit). I liked seeing such a strong side to Diana. She even stood her ground in front of Captain Lancaster. Of course, I was disappointed when it didn’t turn out well for her, but at least, she tried.
Diana’s strength’s supported by Naomi Wadler‘s 2018’s speech playing in the background. I continue to enjoy how Lovecraft Country seamlessly combines injustices that happened in the past with the ones prevalent in the present. There’s also a “can’t breathe” moment when Lancaster came after Diana which… yeah.
Now, a plotline I didn’t particularly enjoy dealt with Ji-Ah coming to find Atticus. Her arrival led to Leti learning about who Ji-Ah really is and her connection to Atticus. I don’t like women fighting over the same man and the entire thing made me roll my eyes.
Other relationships that were highlighted included Ruby going to Christina to hook up with her while she’s in William’s body. The two had a conversation about the white privilege that’s protecting Christina as well as Ruby feeling angry. While I understood where Ruby was coming from, I nodded at Christina’s reply. It’s clear Ruby wants something and Christina’s the only one who can give it to her. I’m interested in seeing what will happen between these two in the final two episodes.
While Leti’s definitely not a fan of her sister hanging out with Atticus’ dangerous cousin, she isn’t above asking Christina’s magical help. Will it come back to bite Leti down the line? Let’s see.
Atticus also had a conversation with Montrose. The two talked about the importance of protecting their family. Atticus’ son wrote the novel Lovecraft Country in the future and with Leti being pregnant, he wanted to do everything possible to keep his loved ones safe. He even went to Christina for a protection spell. And the spell, cast with Monstrose’s help, worked wonderfully during the closing moments of the episode. Atticus’ got his own deadly Pokemon and I’m here for it!
What did you think of ‘Jig-a-Bobo’?
Let us know.
Author: Farid-ul-Haq
Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.
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