Avengers Endgame is Causing a Frenzy, Approaching Records

bucket MCU cryathon Avengers Endgame

The frenzy around Avengers Endgame is strong and several records appear as though they’ll be easily smashed by the conclusion to the 22 film story arc.

Avengers Endgame has already earned $169 million globally as of Wednesday, including $107 million in China alone.  For many of the 25 markets, these numbers have already completely blown away the previous record holders.  For the domestic box office, it’ll need to break the $257,698,183 mark held by Avengers Infinity War from last year.  The current projection places it between $260 and $285 million, which easily surpasses Infinity War.  Some suspect it could shatter $300 million domestically, which it will probably hold for a long time to come.

The hype for this is so intense that getting tickets a few weeks ago caused websites to crash worldwide.  People are so nervous about missing vital moments of the conclusion that they’ve publicly coordinated the best times to pee during Avengers Endgame (warning, very moderate spoilers that have no bearing on the actual plot). And some fans, including one of our own, have dedicated themselves to a 60+ hour 22 movie marathon of the entire MCU franchise (I took about 2 and a half weeks to marathon it and even that was intense). Some theaters have opted to stay open 24 hours a day to accommodate the crowd.

Everywhere you look, people are chatting about Avengers Endgame, generally stressed about making sure their movie going experience goes right, but excited that the time has finally come.  While Infinity War left many of us devastated, we’re still here ready to show up and see the conclusion of the series that’s been part of our lives for so long.  It’ll be hard to say goodbye, but we’re bracing ourselves and charging in to experience the conclusion to the Infinity Saga.

I still have about six hours (as of this writing) before my screening starts, but I can think of nothing else.  I haven’t felt hype this high since The Force Awakens, and that was beaten by Infinity War at the box office just a couple years later.  I’ll definitely be buying the novelty cup and popcorn bucket despite them being ridiculously over priced.  And I may even see it multiple times in theaters if it doesn’t make me cry too hard (it probably will).  This film has be in a tight grip and I haven’t even entered the theater yet.  But I expected this. I’m prepared.

Stay tuned for the official review by tomorrow, and enjoy the show if you haven’t headed out yet.  And if you have seen it, remember: Thanos demands your silence.

UPDATE: Our official Avengers Endgame review has been posted.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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