Dune: It’s All About Oscar Isaac’s Beard

Oscar Isaac Dune Beard

Official pictures from the upcoming Dune adaption have been released through Vanity Fair and there’s a lot to talk about, but most of us just want to talk about Oscar Isaac. And that’s fine.

Props where props are due! A lot of the cast of Dune looks amazing in the set of pictures that’s been released through Vanity Fair, including Timothée Chalamet, Jason Mamoa, and Zendaya. I don’t at all want to diminish their achievements here. There are a lot of beautiful people here with a lot of great fans, so go squee and flail about your favs until your heart is content. 

But a lot of us have shown up for what GQ has dubbed “Oscar Isaac’s Dune Beard,” and we just can’t shut up about it. Oh my GOD! We cannot shut up about it. Please send help.

Gabriella Paiella summed it up best:

Oscar Isaac’s Dune beard looks like an immaculately sheared hedge in Heaven’s garden. It looks like the love child of a black Chow Chow and a lightning bolt. It looks like a thundercloud doing yoga. It looks like the moon dropped its salt and pepper shakers into the sea. It is so powerful that not even his armor can contain it. It is what every single strand of hair dreams of one day becoming a part of when it first sprouts into the world.

Indeed, it is an absolute thing of beauty. It’s also a great reminder that Oscar Isaac is the Internet’s Boyfriend, and his appeal seems to break the bounds of sexuality. I’m generally not into men, but goodness gracious am I into him. Likewise, heterosexual men are popping out of the woodwork to admire this immaculate features along with the rest of us.

This hits particularly hard because so many of us have been trapped at home, hardly interacting with another human for a significant portion of time. Then this comes by and gets dropped in our laps and we’re all scrambling to not look like thirsty desperate messes (I mean, we are thirsty desperate messes, but we don’t want to look like it, you know?).

What are we supposed to do now, hm? You can’t just do this to us and walk away. We’re going to need to see more Oscar Isaac very very soon, please.

With so many industries being toppled due to the pandemic, it’s also creating a rallying point to save cinema. As long as cinema keeps bringing us beautiful pictures of Oscar Isaac, it must be saved. (After we save the Post Office, of course.)

If our day wasn’t derailed enough, Amazon Prime joined in to derail it even further with even more pictures thrown to the thirsty masses.

In fact, a lot of us who didn’t know much about Dune in the first place (I’m sorry! There’s a lot of media out there and I haven’t gotten to this yet) are ready to show up for this film just for him.

You hear that, filmmakers?  If you want crowds of thirsty people to throw down money on your project, just cast Oscar Isaac. We’ll see anything. ANYTHING.

If anyone is still alive out there after this, first of all, hello and congratulations on surviving this onslaught of gorgeous Dune Beard. I almost didn’t make it. Good Lord. That image is seared into my brain long term now.

Secondly, in case you don’t know, Dune is the upcoming film scheduled to be released on December 18th of this year. It’s based on the novel of the same name from Frank Herbert that was published in 1965. The novel has had several adaptions already, including a 1984 film and a 2000 miniseries. It’s one of the most popular science fiction stories out there and a lot of fans of the series are incredibly excited for this new movie to be released.

A lot of films this year have been pushed back (including, unsurprisingly, New Mutants), but this is far enough out that there’s been no changes to the release schedule at this time. A lot of stuff is up in the air right now, though. While there is hope that we can get back to normal by the summer, some have speculated we may need to social distance from one another for a couple of years

I would hope that that particular estimate is a bit of a stretch and that we’ll all get to go see Oscar Isaac’s gorgeous beard on the big screen in person in December, but brace yourself for either a release date push back or digital release.

I hope to be wrong! I’m already sad enough that SDCC might not happen this year and I won’t get to see this promoted there this summer.

Either way, please enjoy the Dune Beard from the comfort of your own quarantined home while you can. This is truly a gift for the masses. The thirsty THIRSTY masses.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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