Everything We Know About SDCC 2022

SDCC 2022

SDCC 2022 is just three months away and we don’t know too much about it just yet.  However, there is some information out there if you know where to look.

The last official San Diego Comic-Con was in the summer of 2019.  Since then we had ‘Comic-Con: Special Edition,’ or as I liked to call it, ‘mini SDCC,’ but we haven’t had the main con in almost three years now.  But SDCC 2022 is coming. And it’s coming quicker than we think.  It’s time to prepare.

Below you’ll find some FAQs that I’ve seen pop up on places like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook.  If you have a question that isn’t listed here, feel free to comment and I’ll do my best to find an answer for you.

Is SDCC 2022 happening?

As of right now, yes, it’s happening.  This could change if there’s a severe enough spike in COVID cases, but unless it’s incredibly severe, I don’t personally see them cancelling it a third time.  They could implement some more restrictions if it gets bad enough, though.  We’ll see.

That said, many of us are holding off until hotel sales to purchase our airfare and other things just so we can be sure it’s actually happening.  A lot of us went through hell to get airfare refunded back in 2020 and we don’t want to go through that again.  You do you, though.  It’s a risk that’s entirely up to you.

When will badges for SDCC 2022 go on sale?

Unfortunately they will not be releasing any additional general attendee badges for SDCC 2022.  People who purchased badges for the 2020 convention had the option to roll them over for 2022, and many have chosen to do so. 

Your best bet is to aim for SDCC 2023.  Check our SDCC Newbie Guide for details about how to best prepare for that badge sale.  Returning registration for people who attended the previous convention usually happens in the fall, and the general sale usually happens the following late winter or spring.  Things with SDCC tend to change, though, so stay on top of it as soon as SDCC 2022 ends so you don’t miss the window.

Can I still apply for press/professional badges?

At this time, they have not opened up press applications for 2022.  If that changes, that update will be on this page.  It likely will not change, however, as the convention is only 3 months away and this process usually occurs well before that.

Industry professionals may have another chance, however.  CCI has stated they will release more information about potential pro registration “in the months between WonderCon and Comic-Con 2022.”  They encourage you to keep an eye on your emails and check this page frequently.

Are there any volunteer opportunities for SDCC 2022?

There may be an opportunity for volunteers to apply, but they are “[working] out some details.”  Those details will likely be on this page when it’s settled.  For those of you who don’t qualify for a professional badge and didn’t have a general admission badge for 2020, this is likely your last chance to get into the con.  And it’s likely to be pretty fiercely competitive, so keep an eye on that page like a hawk.

If you were approved for a volunteer opportunity for the 2020 convention, you will be considered a returning volunteer.  You will need to go through the process again, but will be guaranteed a spot.  Keep your eyes on your email for updates.  This is expected to be updated very soon.  So soon that this paragraph may be out of date by the time it’s published. So be sure to click on that link!

When will hotels go on sale?

Early Bird hotels are already on sale!  Be advised that all of the Early Bird hotels tend to be further away from the convention center.  These hotels are typically accessible by shuttle or rideshare, but not within walking distance of the con center.  These are also non-refundable.

We don’t know when the other hotels will go on sale, but a safe bet is that this will happen some time in May.  Why May?  The deadline for adjusting Early Bird Hotel reservations is May 1st, which leads us to believe the sale should be over by then.  Once that has been sorted, the regular sale should begin.

Find out more about SDCC hotel sales work here.

Who will be at SDCC 2022?

We don’t know that yet, but that’s not a pandemic issue.  SDCC won’t have an official schedule with a full list of guests until two weeks before the convention.  That said, they do tend to announce special guests in advance.  Individuals and studios who have been approved for panels or exhibit hall space also usually start talking about it online before an official schedule is released.  

Your best bet is to follow the people you’re interested in on social media and see if they start talking about the con.  This is how many of us gather this information before the official schedule is released.  We can often piece together a pretty thorough schedule before the official one gets put up on the website.

Will there be off-site events?

Yes! In some form, at least.  In fact, we know of one off-site that is for sure returning – the Her Universe Fashion Show.  I take this as a sign that some of the mainstays will be returning, but I don’t expect them all to return, nor do I expect them to return in the same way. 

I would suspect NBC will have some off-sites as they had one at Mini SDCC.  They’re clearly up for the challenge.  That off-site was small comparatively, but everything about that con was smaller so it’s hard to say how they’ll return for the main event.

As far as other off-sites?  I have no idea and would mainly be guessing.  Keep your ear to the ground for announcements!

Will SDCC 2022 require a vaccine or negative PCR test?

Both Mini SDCC and Wondercon 2022 required a COVID vaccine or negative PCR test within 72 hours of your first day at the convention.  This policy hasn’t been clearly stated for SDCC 2022 yet, but I would prepare for it anyway.  If they end up not requiring one, you’ve at the very least prepared to protect yourself from the virus so it’s not a total waste of time.

The system at Mini SDCC was fairly quick and easy, so you shouldn’t have any problems.  I was actually surprised by just how quick it was.

Will you be attending SDCC 2022? Do you have a question that wasn’t on this list? Let me know in the comments.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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