Geekiary Anniversary Day One: 1 New Convention We’re Excited About

Welcome to Six Days of The Geekiary!

To celebrate our six-year anniversary, we’ll be highlighting things that matter most to us here at The Geekiary.  Let’s start with Day One: 1 New Convention We’re Excited about – WonderCon.

It’s hard to believe that over the past six years, with over 30 different conventions under our belt (and visits to CCI’s other convention, San Diego Comic-Con, every year since our founding), that we’ve never been to WonderCon.  But it’s true.  Thankfully this year we’re dipping our toes into the water for the other big CCI con and sending our two intrepid reporters, Erin and Dan, to Anaheim.

Here’s what they have to say about what we can look forward to this year and how it compares to SDCC, which we’ve been attending as a website since our founding in 2013.


I’ve been wanting to do WonderCon for a long time due to it being run by CCI, but also a bit smaller and more intimate. Plus, as a big TV fan, I know a lot of fan favorite shows and up-and-coming shows tend to make a splash in Anaheim. I’m looking forward to reporting on TV, and also hoping to get some quality time on the floor, which can be a challenge at bigger cons. I’m also looking forward to seeing how WonderCon compares to other American conventions that I’ve been to, particularly with programming variety.


Having attended SDCC every year since 2000, and WonderCon (WCA) every year since 2014, I’d say the biggest best way to compare them is to say WCA feels like SDCC in the early part of last decade. There is more of a focus on the comic book side of the industry, but TV shows and movies are slowly starting to have a presence at the show.

My favorite memories of the convention is a tie. At WCA 2014 there was an Edge of Tomorrow panel at WCA and Bill Paxton (R.I.P.) was on the panel.  He delivered his “Game over, man” line from Aliens which got a huge ovation from the crowd.  I was also on the red carpet and seeing the world premiere of the first two episodes of Wynonna Earp at WonderCon Los Angeles in 2016.

While WonderCon is a new convention for the website, check out our guides for San Diego-Comic Con:

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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