Can the Powerpuff Girls Save the Day Once Again?
Airing between 1998 and 2005, The Powerpuff Girls was a Cartoon Network show created by Craig McKraken, following the lives...
Airing between 1998 and 2005, The Powerpuff Girls was a Cartoon Network show created by Craig McKraken, following the lives...
Fans of Once Upon a Time have been waiting for the LGBT couple promised by executive producers Adam Horowitz and...
There’s new casting news for the upcoming Marvel/Sony Spider-Man movie! Laura Harrier and Tony Revolori are set to join Tom...
Fox seems all set to further expand its X-Men universe by introducing audiences to the New Mutants. A second draft...
Here we go folks. "Black Eye" marks uncharted territory for me. Let's see what Super Lovers has to offer. As...
With posthumous permission from the late Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman recently revealed that he is writing a six-part Good Omens miniseries....
Whether you enjoy watching Fear the Walking Dead or not, the zombie-apocalypse show is here to stay for another year...
After the insane ups and downs in the past few episodes of The 100, I was surprised at how well...
The Marvel Universe made a big announcement today that shows their confidence in the partnership that they have with Netflix:...
Garnet, Garnet, Garnet. Square mom, mom squared. Fusion, rebel, cool dad. I humbly submit that Garnet’s reveal at the end...