The Ark 2×07 Review: “It Can’t Be True”

Eva’s secret is revealed as the crew of Ark-1 investigate an attempt on her life in “It Can’t Be True.”
As the Ark-8 clones rescued in “Pretty Big Deal” settle into Ark-1, the crew of Ark-1 shift their focus to investigating an assassination attempt on Eva (Tiana Upcheva). Though the mystery is compelling throughout, the moments between current and developing couples throughout the episode supplement the drama with some nice lighter moments.
In the aftermath of the explosion that kills the clones left behind on the planet before they can be rescued, an investigation reveals that the explosion was triggered from inside Ark-1. Kimi (Diana Bermudez) finds the hidden control panel, and Spencer’s (Reece Ritchie) clone Ian is the prime suspect. Though there is likely another culprit behind the explosion, Spencer’s confrontation with Ian continues to evolve their dynamic and provides more insight into the clones.
While Spencer continues to struggle with his status as a clone, Sharon (Christie Burke) tries to help him. Showing him the results of the Juno Project matches, she reveals that his initial match previously died and that she doesn’t have a match because Trust (Paul Leonard Murray) didn’t want clones to breed. She speculates that Trust didn’t know about his clone status, and Spencer uses the opportunity to point out that neither of them are restricted by potential matches. Though the developing romance is cute, it’s a question of how long it will be until the two finally give into their obvious attraction.
Elsewhere, James (Richard Fleeshman) continues to try and support Eva. After hearing her previous request for space, he takes it upon himself to turn her room into a relaxing area for her to take the time she needs. It’s a sweet gesture that works better than his previous attempts, and Eva is much more receptive to it. The good feelings don’t last for long, as a mysterious person activates Kelly’s (Samantha Glassner) implants and sends her to try and strangle Eva.

The aftermath turns into an investigation and the primary suspects emerge. Trust was attempting to figure out the panel that Catrina left for Kelly to give her some autonomy at the time she was activated but denies being behind the assassination attempt. Dr. Marsh (Jadran Malkovich) knows Kelly’s implants better than anyone, but also denies the accusations. The intriguing investigation becomes more urgent as Eva is poisoned, and analysis reveals that ricin was put on her pillow.
During the investigation, Angus (Ryan Adams) and Alicia (Stacey Read) officially begin their relationship. After Meir (Coral Mizrachi) urges them to not trample the plants during their kissing, the two end up in one of their quarters. Unfortunately, Angus throws up before things can progress further and kills the mood. Though the moment is ruined, it results in a nice conversation where they discuss their lack of sexual history and express their desire for their first time to be with someone they love.
In the medical bay, Dr. Kabir (Shalini Peiris) tries to push away her burgeoning attraction to Dr. Marsh. However, she is unable to deny her feelings for long and admits to Dr. Marsh that while there is something between them, she can’t be in a relationship. Dr. Kabir later reveals to Felix (Pavle Jerinic) that she escaped an abusive ex-husband when she boarded the Ark and Felix offers to help teach her self-defense so that she can feel safe. It’s great to see Dr. Kabir get more of a storyline, and her friendship with Felix is one of the episode’s many highlights.
After both Trust and Dr. Marsh are cleared in the investigation, Sharon asks Angus about the plant that was used to create the poison. Angus quickly discovers that the plant was added to the garden without his knowledge and realizes that Meir is behind it. Though the twist isn’t that surprising since we knew that Meir and Kimi were plotting something, it still manages to be exciting.
Kimi reveals that she and Meir are tasked with apprehending Eastern Federation spies, and that Eva is one of them. Revealing that Meir is working alone in her assassination attempt, she and Sharon must stop Meir before she uses Kelly to kill Alicia, who is being held hostage to facilitate her escape. Sharon’s faith in Kelly wins out, as she is able to get through to Kelly and encourage her to fight against her implants.
Though Sharon initially refuses to believe Kimi’s claim that Eva is an Eastern Federation spy, Eva confesses that she is. Sharon, Spencer, and James are clearly betrayed by the revelation, as Eva continues to confess and is apologetic. Though it’s easy to see why the crew is betrayed by the truth, there is still a lot that we don’t know about the Eastern Federation, other than their role in the death of Spencer’s father. Hopefully, some more insight into the group and Eva’s role will help provide clarity and deepen the emotional weight of the betrayal.
Author: Jessica Wolff
Jessica Wolff is a graduate of Drexel University with a BS in Film/Video. She has a passion for entertainment and representation in entertainment. She currently resides outside of Washington, DC.
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