Webcomic Recommendation: “Azúcar Amargo”

The webcomic community includes marvelous artwork, diverse perspectives, and spectacular storytelling. Some webcomics, however, slip through the cracks regardless of whether they’re complete. I’ve reviewed plenty of unfinished webcomics worth checking out because those stories deserve to emerge out of the dark, dusty corners of the Internet. Azúcar Amargo* by huainos – a webcomic first posted on Tapas in September 2021 then went on hiatus after the following month – demonstrates the high potential of memorable storytelling through art and words.
Even if a webcomic sails off on an indefinite hiatus or is simply left unfinished, a good story without continuation or closure is still a good story. Azúcar Amargo is one such work.

The webcomic takes place in Lima, Peru during the late 19th century. Isabel works as a servant for a family, performing chores like feeding the hens and handling meals. One day, she saves a girl from being harassed. When Isabel realizes that the aggressor is the family’s eldest son, she flees with the girl named Montserrat. From there, Isabel enters a world of privilege and lavish parties. Meanwhile, Montserrat’s secret will also intertwine with Isabel’s new life.

Azúcar Amargo contains sharp characterization and simple but effective illustrations. Reading this webcomic evokes the feeling of reading an illustrated storybook. The setting and character designs complement each other, making the panels come alive with their dynamic hues and movements. While it’s uncertain whether the author will continue this gorgeous story, Azúcar Amargo so far brings something fresh and engaging to the table. With that said, regardless of this webcomic’s future, the art and storytelling are enough to look forward to what the creator decides to conjure later on.

Azúcar Amargo is available to read on Tapas. You can visit the creator’s Instagram.
For more great webcomic recommendations, check out our Wednesday Webcomics archives!
*Azúcar Amargo means bitter sugar in Latin American Spanish.
Author: Bradda M.
Bradda M. currently lives in Virginia. He teaches ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) at a public school and spends his free time reading and watching movies each night with his partner. For The Geekiary, he writes about webcomics and SFF media.
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