The Quarantined City: An Ambitious Serialized Novel
In James Everington's serialized novel, The Quarantined City, a character named Fellows wanders around an oddly out-of-step city, searching for...
In James Everington's serialized novel, The Quarantined City, a character named Fellows wanders around an oddly out-of-step city, searching for...
The winter 2015 anime season has finally come to a close. Out of all of the anime I've watched over...
Baseball is back, y'all! Monday marked the return of my favorite sport, so to celebrate, I have a list of...
Science fiction narratives typically reflect society’s concerns about the future. These are heavily influenced by the era that the piece...
Let's face it: Helix is a little crazy, and definitely has its own brand of strange. Since both Tara and...
This review is a bit late. My allergies suck the energy out of me, but thankfully the Princess Leia series...
Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky is the first light novel in the Naruto Hiden series. It's written by...
This week’s episode of Naruto Shippuden focused on Ino Yamanaka trying to further grow the secret jutsu of her clan....
This week on iZombie, we were treated to the beginning of the bromance that is Ravi and Major (anyone have...
First off, this was more of an expository episode rather than action packed. This is in no way a slight...