DC Comics Responds to Problematic Poison Ivy Cover for Heroes in Crisis Issue 7

Poison Ivy cover tweet Heroes in Crisis Issue 7

If you have been keeping an eye on the comic book side of things, you would know about the stir caused by the leaked cover for Heroes in Crisis Issue 7. The good news is that DC has responded and made certain changes to do away with the problematic nature of the initial cover art.

Certain comic book fans were clearly upset by the leaked and unfinalized cover released for DC Comics’ Heroes in Crisis Issue 7. It showed a dead and bloody Poison Ivy on the floor. If you go by the cover, she is another victim of the mysterious murderer (or murderers) who has already killed a number of characters in the series. She also seems to be leaving a message with blood. The cover is from Clay Mann.

Fans took to Twitter to call out the problematic nature of the cover.

The good news is writer Tom King responded.

DC Comics will not be using the leaked cover. A recolored version will appear in upcoming DC solicitations. The recolored version is still considered “Not Final Art,” so the final cover upon the issue’s release might be completely different.

Of course, there are certain people who are voicing their opinions about how sensitive comic book readers have forced DC Comics to censor Mann’s work.

Now, as an artist myself, I’m all for calling out censorship of creative content which pushes the boundaries or challenges the status quo. But seriously, ask yourself, what boundary is Mann’s art pushing instead of exploiting Poison Ivy’s dead body for cheap fanservice?

People who can’t see anything problematic with Mann’s cover are either lying for the sake of arguing online or are really okay with women bodies (dead ones) being portrayed in such a manner and that is disappointing to me.

I understand Poison Ivy is a very sexual character, and I like her for that. She has agency regarding her sexuality. Ivy uses it in whatever way she wants to achieve her goals because it is her decision to do so. However, Mann’s cover takes away Ivy’s agency and simply exploits her lifeless body.

As for the Heroes in Crisis run, the current story by Tom King involves heroes dealing with PTSD. I was looking forward to reading the series when it was announced. I wanted to see heroes being helped through much-needed therapy. But in the very first issue murders began and I dropped the story.

Don’t get me wrong. I know it is a comic book and there needs to be action and stuff in it. What I didn’t like was how quickly the events unfolded. I think continuing to show famous heroes going for therapy would have been a good way to decrease the stigma surrounding mental health. The murder mystery could have begun a couple of issues in after the groundwork regarding the importance of mental health had been laid.

Anyway, are you reading Heroes in Crisis? What did you think of the Poison Ivy cover art? Let us know.

Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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3 thoughts on “DC Comics Responds to Problematic Poison Ivy Cover for Heroes in Crisis Issue 7

  1. Ivy’s dead body being sexualized is unpleasant. But even more unpleasant is the gruesome death porn that pervades many comics. Regardless of her body’s position, do we really need to see a character’s slit wrist with a blood smear? Do we need Lagoon Boy shooting himself over and over? Or a Batman Who Laughs who looks like Pinhead from “Hellraiser”? I like comics that focus on good writing, not EC-style gore and guts.

    1. I agree with that, especially concerning the current Heroes in Crisis story which is being gruesome and exploiting characters with mental trauma for the sake of shock value, while the plot itself is poorly written.

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