The 100 At Dragon Con: Return of SpaceKru

Originally I had the honor of accepting four interviews for The 100 cast who attended DragonCon. However, due to filming obligations, I was unable to complete the interviews, but in a way, I think that may have been for the best. SpaceKru and the Ice Nation united, briefly, to bring us their beautiful presence and their hilarious convention antics.
The past three years I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the cast from the show. Every single year I’m not disappointed. I have yet to find a more personable and receptive cast. They’re gracious, kind, and completely invested in their fans. They bring their own quirks to the convention. The management team for several of the actors is phenomenal. Most of the actors have a strong social media presence, and they use their fame and talent to push for social issues and change. Most recently, several of the stars took part in the Legends and Stars soccer match to benefit the BC Children’s Hospital.

Regrettably, I only made it to one panel due to the early onset of Con Crud, but so far, that one panel has been enough to keep my heart full. It might sound silly, but the love these cast members give to their fans is incredible and I adore every one of them that I’ve met. DragonCon 2017 brought Richard Harmon (Murphy), Christopher Larkin (Monty), Zach McGowan (Roan), and Tasya Teles (Echo) to the convention.
I witnessed the beauty of the cast learning about Murphy MILF (an instagram of Richard’s face photoshopped onto model’s bodies) and Richard “throwing” a chair.
Although silliness abounded, there were a few great questions about Murphy and Echo in particular, two of my favorite characters. A fan asked Tasya about Echo and her militant loyalty to Azgeda and the Ice Nation. Tasya mentioned that Echo has a kind of grudging trust in Bellamy and feels obligated to fulfill a bargain with him. Echo, according to Tasya, has never really experienced much outside the realm of the Ice Nation. Protecting Roan was her goal, her end all and be all. She was raised to protect the King and the Queen. Without Roan to serve and protect, she’s a little lost, she said.

Another fan asked Richard about Murphy and his loyalties. Richard told the audience that Murphy wasn’t a follower, but neither was he a leader. I also got the chance to ask a question that had been digging at my brain: When did Murphy realize that he cared for Emori? When did he realize that it just wasn’t about himself anymore? Richard said that, when you’re in a relationship and you just suddenly start putting someone’s needs before yours, it’s not a sudden realization. It’s something that happens over time. He said that when he sacrificed himself, he didn’t have to think about it, that it was an action that came so naturally to Murphy. As someone who’s watched Murphy evolve from the selfish asshole of the first season, into someone who understands and has begrudgingly become a cornerstone and a bit of a hero, I couldn’t agree more with Richard’s answer.
I had the privilege of talking to Richard later for a bit at his booth on the Walk of Fame. It wasn’t an interview, but rather two people discussing the show. We discussed the complexities of Murphy’s character and the impact of the trauma and abuse he suffered at the hands of Ontari. Richard was more than happy to hop down that rabbit hole with me. The 100 deals with some pretty heavy things, especially for those of us who fight mental illness on a daily basis. Last year, I remember hugging Lindsay Morgan, who plays Raven Reyes, and saying: “Thank you so much for keeping Raven strong for us.”
During my photo op with the cast, I was cosplaying Echo and was welcomed into the group with excitement from Zach and Tasya. We didn’t learn much more about SpaceKru or their launch into orbit, or even what became of Clarke or anything about the upcoming season, in that particular panel, because the cast became distracted with a dramatic singing of ‘Ice Ice Nation’ and more Murphy MILF images. And honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Author: Bekah
Bekah has a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance from Anderson University and is the Executive Assistant at Saga Event Planning. She is a frequent convention attendee and cosplayer and co-hosts The Geekiary webcast “The Bitching Dead”.
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