The Geekiary explores Yaoi!
After having been absent from the anime and manga fandom for the better part of a decade, my desire for canon queer characters led me back to yaoi and, to a lesser extent, yuri. My current media just wasn’t cutting it so I dove back into the fandom headfirst. So far I’ve been quite happy with what I’ve discovered!
The following recommendations will be grouped into sets of three with similar themes (or at least that’s what I’ll try to do, but that’s not always possible). If you like one in the series, you may like the others as well! I’ve read and watched many more titles than these, but grouping them together sometimes proves to be difficult, so I’m always looking for new titles. Have a recommendation? Leave a comment below!
Part 1 – Literary themes: Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi, Gravitation, Junjo Romantica
These all have characters who work in publishing somehow. JR and SekaKoi actually share the same universe and several characters cross over!
Part 2 – Magic themes: Yami no Matsuei, Uraboku, Monochrome Factor
These three titles all relate to magic and spirituality to some extent. These are three of my favorite titles in the entire genre. Try them all!
Part 3 – Mature/Romance Anime & Manga – Fake, Vassalord
These three titles have more mature content (Koisuru Boukun comes with an uncomfortably STRONG trigger warning), and focus on developing relationships.
Part 4 – Young Romance Anime & Manga – Love Stage!!, Omamorishimasu Dokomademo, Rutta to Kodama
Ah, young love! This series pictures teenagers falling head over heals with each other. Adorable, fluffy, and fun!
Part 5 – Works by Yamamoto Kotetsuko – Honto Yajuu, Konya mo Nemurenai, Brothers
I am absolutely obsessed with this mangaka! These are my three favorite titles by her, but she has A LOT more out there. This should give you a good starting point for the world of Yamamoto Kotetsuko.
Part 6- Yokozawa Takafumi no Bai, Backstage, Ten Count
I admit that I sort of abandoned the idea of theming things with this set of recommendations. I’ll try to get back to it with the next one! I couldn’t find a third light novel to pair with the first two, and I couldn’t find two manga as amazing as the third, so here you go! These are three of the best yaoi titles on the market right now! Don’t miss out!
Apparently uraBoku does qualify as a yaoi.
Hey, did you watch Nabari No Ou? It’s a Shounen ai and I’m sure that you’re gonna love it!
FYI nabari no out is a shounen not shounen air -_-
There is ViewFinder
It’s SUCH a good manga you NEED to put it on here~!
Super Lovers is a really cute series to watch
Yessss it is really cute HaRinnnnnn
I LOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE how innocent Ren is and it’s all just AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!
Question….so I watched Dramatical Murder…it’s classified as a yaoi…..but…there is thing yaoi in it -_-
I’ve heard that being classified as Yaoi as well, but haven’t actually seen any yaoi in it. Is it worth the watch/read?
The OVA has a lot of yaoi in it but the actual anime doesn’t have any yaoi in it other than a kiss but that didn’t mean anything.
If you want actual yaoi for it, play the game it was based on. (Although, a warning to head; it is VERY graphic.
The light novel has a lot of….-clears throat- Yea…Watch this video…infact andy of the videos by this youtuber about Dramatical Murder
Hey dmmd is based on the game that is very much yaoi like nothing u have ever watched. And what i mean by this is all this basic stuff that every “top ten” list has like this one. Strongly suggest that you play the game. The anime was trash -> you can download the game from the internet just look for it on google
Also if viewers want one shot yaoi :3 they can always try matsuo marta’s Lies are a gentleman’s true manners and almost paradise , so serious
and some of yaoi like classmate too :3
Hey! Do you know where I could purchase Rutta To Kodama? I live in Canada and I’m trying to find a site where they ship in Canada too ^^ Thank you!
LoveMode is very like JonjouRomantica, there’s Legal Drug followed by a series on the same characters Drug & Drop, then Loveless which is sweet and heartbreaking (all Manga). If you’re looking for Anime, Yuri!!! On Ice is amazing, and they’re talking a second season.