The Expanse 3×01 Review: Fight or Flight

Expanse Fight or Flight
THE EXPANSE — “Fight or Flight” Episode 301 — Pictured: Dominique Tipper as Naomi Nagata — (Photo by: Rafy/Syfy)

The Expanse is back for season 3 with “Fight or Flight”, and all hell has broken loose. Errinwright’s actions at the end of season 2 were a declaration of war, and the entire galaxy is caught up in the conflict. Most of the major players are struggling to survive and trying to figure out what to do next.

“Fight or Flight” is already giving season 3 a different vibe than previous ones; the entire show feels grittier and more tense than usual. True, the stakes have always been high, but now there seems to be an urgency to everything that wasn’t there in the past. Almost everyone’s lives are in immediate danger. The music emphasized this perfectly – it was almost anxiety-inducing.

RIP the Rocinante. Knowing that their options are limited, the crew is forced to re-disguise themselves, which includes renaming the ship. Prax suggests Contorta, named after a species of tree whose seeds are born from its ashes. Appropriate, don’t you think? But things aboard the ship are not all fun and games. Everyone is tense because of the circumstances, and basically everyone is mad at Naomi for giving the protomolecule to Fred Johnson. The acting in this episode was superb. You can feel the frustration through the screen even before Jim goes Hulk!smash on the coffee machine. Probably the best things about this show are the relationships, and it’s clear that they’re all going to be tested this season.

Expanse Fight or Flight
THE EXPANSE — “Fight or Flight” Episode 301 — Pictured: (l-r) Frankie Adams as Bobbie Draper, Shohreh Aghdashloo as Chrisjen Avasarala — (Photo by: Rafy/Syfy)

As worried as I am about the fate of the Roci – oh, excuse me – Contorta crew, I’m most afraid for Chrisjen. Errinwright has used her absence to set her up for his crimes, taking the evidence against him and making it seem as though it’s been her all along. Luring her to a meeting under false pretenses and then attempting to have her killed is just the tip of the iceberg. He probably isn’t expecting her to survive; I very much can’t wait for her to take him down. One thing that is good for Chrisjen is Bobbie, who was a major badass in this episode. I got chills when she busted through the ship’s hull and crawled along the outside. Plus, the dynamic of Chrisjen, Bobbie, and Cotyar produces most of the show’s humor, and I love it.

I’m also curious to learn more about Drummer. She is less than pleased about Fred telling Anderson Dawes about the protomolecule. He reasons that it’s because Dawes has the scientist who actually understands the thing, but she doesn’t agree with his decision. But I am a little bit interested in this subplot with the Nauvoo and the Mormons. I’m sure it’ll have some importance — outside of Fred’s intentions for the ship itself — but right now I can’t imagine what.

A lot of threads are ripping in “Fight or Flight”, and I’ve got no idea where things are going to end up. It’s quite exciting.

Have you guys seen “Fight or Flight”? What did you think?

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.

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