“The Magicians” Season 5 Trailer and Premiere Date Released!

The official trailer for the fifth season of Syfy’s The Magicians has been released and it looks like the world is in even bigger trouble this time around all thanks to magic!
The fifth season of The Magicians is right around the corner and we’re about to get sucked right back into the chaotic world of Brakebills and Fillory for another adventure. Unfortunately, this time around we’ll be doing so without one of our beloved fellow Magicians. This upcoming season will mark the first time in the show’s history that we will be completely without the character of Quentin Coldwater, following his sacrifice during the season 4 finale.
Quentin’s death is still a sore topic for a lot of fans of The Magicians. After all, Quentin was bisexual and struggled with mental illness, so some fans felt as though it was incredibly irresponsible of the show’s writers to kill the character off in a self-sacrificing kind of way. Other fans were upset because it seemed as though the show was building up the romantic relationship of Queliot (Quentin and Eliot), only to kill off one half of the slash ship. The question as to whether or not we should just expect queer characters to die remains a mystery as we head off into 2020.
But regardless of how you feel about Quentin’s fate, the trailer for the upcoming fifth season of The Magicians makes it known that the world of magic doesn’t stop and allow you to mourn. There’s always trouble when magic is involved—a theme that has been heavily pressed since the first season of the show. And it’s probably why the tagline of this season might be: all magic comes at a cost.
Personally, I think it’s a great theme to use, since it helps anchor the idea of magic in a more realistic sense.
Now, season four dealt heavily with the idea of magic being completely stripped away and heavily regulated by evil, greedy forces. All of the characters throughout the fourth season encountered problems brought about by there being a “magic drought.” But as the trailer for the fifth season seems to show, this time the problem will be all about there being way too much magic scattered about the world and realms.
The trailer opens with Alice, Julia, Eliot, and Margo mourning the loss of Quentin. Alice says that she doesn’t know how to move on without him and Eliot talks about finding the best way to honor somebody that they’ve lost.
The next clip that plays shows Eliot and Alice together in Fillory, possibly hinting toward the idea that there will be more character “quests” this season, much like season three.
Next up, we get confirmation that magic being restored and unregulated hasn’t exactly worked out the way that everybody thought it would. Things have gone a bit crazy. There’s a clip of Penny-23 and Julia watching what seems to be beams of magic trailing through the sky, only to have to teleport out of harm’s way when a rogue jet of magic comes falling out of the sky and crashes directly into where the two were standing just moments before.
Immediately following that is a clip of Dean Fogg and Julia at Brakebills where Fogg stays true to his blunt ‘I-tell-it-how-I-see-it’ personality by revealing the season’s problem: “There’s too much goddamn magic!”
According to a voice-over, some ramifications of there being too much magic are noted. For one, “[magic] castings will be exponentially magnified.”. And secondly, “enchantments will malfunction.”
Could this mean our heroes will possess the casting power of gods? What does that mean for the human world?

A montage of clips follows, showing various things. Kady steps into the room and announces that it really is the end of the world outside. We get shots of Margo, Josh, and Fen back-talking a Fillorian guard, the whole group of characters performing a piece of collaborative magic, Margo and Fen fighting to the “death,” Margo getting captured by fairies, and Eliot screaming as he’s about to get seemingly crushed by a giant sea-monster tentacle.
If we’re supposed to take anything away from this trailer, it’s that the upcoming fifth season is about to be crazy! Which, come to think about it, The Magicians is at its best when it’s action-packed and completely bonkers. That’s what makes this show so fun to watch. Personally, I’m excited to see how the writers take this series to new heights.
But what do you guys think? Leave your comments down below!
The Magicians returns on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.
Author: Rodney
Rodney has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature. Aspiring to one day write television shows and novels, he’s an avid slash-shipper and enthusiast for all things gay. Rodney’s especially a lover of magic, mystery, and superheroes—holding Harry Potter, the X-Men, and Scooby-Doo close as his own personal favorites. But when he’s not fantasizing about how cool it would be to have magic, he’s busy writing fanfiction and re-watching old TV shows.
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