Escape a Tower Full of The Infected In Survival Horror Game “Unstoppable” This Thursday!

Unstoppable steam game 2024
Unstoppable (Image: PR/Funnylocks Corp)

The complete edition of the survival horror video game Unstoppable will be made available on Steam come January 11, 2024. Are you ready to escape a multi-story tower swarming with infected people out to kill you?

Set in 1990’s New York City, Unstoppable puts players in the shoes of a lone survivor who sees his co-workers being infected by a mysterious disease and driven to kill anyone in their path. You will need to escape the high-rise building while utilizing close-quarters brutal combat and equipping any weapon you can find.

The narrative involves a mystery concerning who released the disease in the tower. You are tasked with searching for clues and possibly finding a cure. Also, depending on the mode you play (the Beserk Mode?), the main character will also be infected and you will need to ensure the infection remains under control.

Of course, weapons (guns and melee) and other resources are limited. You will have to keep an eye on the durability of items in your possession. Not only that but the tension featured in the gameplay is further heightened by how the infected can hear your footsteps. So be aware of how you move.

The dev team has talked about Unstoppable using physics-based “realistic” combat. From what I could understand, it has something to do with feeling the weight of each blow as you try to dodge attacks. Also, the enemies aren’t really mindless. Some of them are accompanied by weapons and have varying attack patterns.

Here’s the trailer!

Judging from the promo content, I like the simplicity of the graphics and the top-down camera perspective. The vibe reminds me of a bunch of old-school survival horror and strategy games. Some of the enemies seem to be slow while others will sprint at you. Along with the Health Bar, there seems to be a Stamina Bar. So I guess you can’t go around continuously hacking and slashing your enemies. The game also appears to have Boss Fights, with the enemy’s Health Bar visualized on the top of the screen.

Near the end of the trailer, the main character seems to use some kind of Sensory Ability that highlights items and people in red. I’m not sure if said Sensory Ability will be locked behind a specific mode or not.

Developed by Funnylocks Corp, the upcoming complete edition of Unstoppable will include all four chapters to allow players to enjoy the in-game mystery from start to finish. According to the dev team, a bunch of improvements have been made since the title was released on Steam Early Access around the middle of last year. Player feedback was taken into consideration and the full edition is more or less a whole new (much better) game with improved cinematics, gameplay, and more.

Talking about Funnylocks Corp, it’s a Seoul-based indie game developer and publisher studio that was established in 2022. Unstoppable is the studio’s first title. You can learn more about the team by visiting the studio’s official website and joining Discord

The full version of Unstoppable can be yours for $12.99. The game will exclusively launch on Steam this Thursday, January 11, 2024.

Feel free to share your thoughts with us.

You can read more of our video game coverage here.

(via Press Release)

Author: Farid-ul-Haq

Farid has a Double Masters in Psychology and Biotechnology as well as an M.Phil in Molecular Genetics. He is the author of numerous books including Missing in Somerville, and The Game Master of Somerville. He gives us insight into comics, books, TV shows, anime/manga, video games, and movies.

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