Voice of Jamie the Mailman Eugene Cordero Q&A Summary

jamie the mailman

Eugene Cordero, voice of Beach City’s resident thespian-slash-mailman Jamie, stopped by the Steven Universe subreddit to answer questions from fans about the show. Besides being a regular on Monday nights at UCB LA as a part of The Smokes, he is in two upcoming movies: Kong: Skull Island and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates.

Eugene Cordero on Jamie the Mailman

jamie the mailmanRather than auditioning for the role of Jamie, Eugene was asked by Ilana Glazer of Broad City fame if he would record a one-off episode for a former improv team-member of hers. The Jamie character was well-received, and meanwhile Eugene became a fan of the show so when Rebecca Sugar asked him back for more episodes, he was happy to accept. He credits the fans for Jamie’s continued presence on Steven Universe.

As he developed the character of Jamie, Eugene drew from the way he thought a dramatic actor was like in high school, very emotional and passionate about the craft. He gets caught up in the “drama zone” when recording for Jamie and he loves it!

“Historical Friction” is Eugene’s favorite episode he’s been a part of so far. Being a fan of the show helped him nail the Jamie-fied impressions of the Gems. He loves the “Crystal Jamies” fan art! As for favorite lines to record, he loves “every one drama related,” and he also liked the “swooning love talk for Garnet” in “Love Letters”.

love lettersIf Steven and Jamie were to fuse, Eugene thinks the Fusion would be “the most excitable person in the world.”

As for what he has in common with Jamie, Eugene says they are both easily excited, and he likes bringing his normally more internalized feelings to the surface with the character.

Eugene has been to Kansas and laughs to himself about Jamie’s connection to it whenever he is there.

We will be seeing more of Jamie in upcoming episodes!

Eugene Cordero on Steven Universe

Eugene thinks Rebecca Sugar is “creative and genius” as well as “sweet,” and that she and the rest of the crew on Steven Universe are “the best.” Because they trusted him to make creative decisions in his performance, he really likes the collaborative feeling of the show. If Rebecca Sugar was willing to do a Jamie spinoff he would “sign on in a heartbeat!”

Eugene has been able to work with most of the main cast. He thinks everyone is great and has the most fun when all of them are in the room recording together. He loves Joel Hodgson, voice of Mayor Dewey, but neither of them realized the other was also a voice on the show until they discovered it on a different mutual project, Other Space.

jamie the mailmanHis favorite non-Jamie episode is “Alone Together.” Steven is his favorite character on the show because he is “so excited and energetic [and] willing to do anything.” Much like his character, Garnet is his favorite Gem, and he is “like in love” with her.

Eugene would be happy to do more voice work, and if he was offered a part on another Rebecca Sugar show, he would take it “SO FAST!” Like his costar Zach Callison, he appreciates the differences in voice work and regular acting and hopes to continue to do both.

Eugene’s favorite part of the process for recording Steven Universe is that before each take Rebecca explains what the scene is like alongside the storyboards. Listening to her go through it gets him excited to “jump into the scene.”

As a fan, a highlight of the show for Eugene is the animation style. He loves the experience of watching episodes because of what is added after they record. He likes seeing the show come together and the feeling of everything making sense as he learns it.

Despite Garnet’s advice, Eugene believes in love at first sight!

Author: K-K Bracken

K-K Bracken grew up overseas and in the Washington, DC area, went to the Ohio State University to get her BA in English, and has been in Columbus, Ohio ever since. She is currently querying her first novel ORCHESTRATION under the name Bracken Beveridge. She is the founder and organizer for the first Steven Universe exclusive fan convention, Beach City Con.

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