The Heart Killers 1×10 Review: Episode 10

I feel like this is déjà vu, but here we go. The obligatory beach trip often has healing powers, but in the case of The Heart Killers, it doesn’t solve everything. Namely, Bison and Fadel’s final mission is way more complicated than they thought it would be, and their entire world has been upended.
Everything went much more quickly than I expected, because very early in the episode, Bison and Fadel confront the man they think killed their parents. And he reveals it was Lilly who did the actual killing, which of course surprises no one – except Bison and Fadel. Now, I was a little confused at this point, because he says Lilly is who killed their parents, but that she was an assassin that worked for him. So… he did have them killed, correct? He just didn’t do it himself?
Bison and Fadel are staggered by this information, but they accept it pretty readily. Interestingly, Fadel comes around before Bison, who is adamant that Mother would never do that. I am a bit surprised that they basically accept this world-changing information in something like five minutes, which leads me to believe that Fadel, at least, may have had some suspicions before.
The two of them immediately change tack. (Although, it seems that they still do kill the guy? I wasn’t sure if they actually killed him, or if they faked his death to throw off Lilly.) Bison is ready to run off and confront Lilly right away, but Fadel reminds him that she raised them and knows how they think. If they actually want to take her out, they need to plan and take their time.
And joining in the fray? Their beloved boyfriends. Despite leaving them at the beginning of the episode with a warning that they couldn’t be in contact for a while until they could get their affairs sorted, both Bison and Fadel cannot stay away from their boys. Bison stalks Kant as he’s pining at the bowling alley, and Fadel grabs Style at the garage.
I had actually thought, when Fadel mentioned that Lilly knows how they think, that they would bring Kant and Style in on their own. After all, the best way to surprise someone who knows all your moves is to bring in people she doesn’t know. But they’re just so down bad for their boyfriends that they can’t be away from them for too long, and Kant and Style are the ones who insist on helping them. Kant rightfully points out that he was a car thief, so he has some skills of his own. Style is just crazy.
So they split up, and the subsequent scenes are proof positive that Bison and Fadel are terrible hitmen, and the police are clearly incompetent for not having caught them earlier.
For starters, Bison and Kant tail Lilly. At first, it looks like they have a decent disguise, with Kant driving a cab. (Where did they get the cab?) They follow her to a golf course, where she’s meeting some senators’ wives. Kant resolves to go undercover and switches places with one of the caddies assigned to Lilly’s group. She’s suspicious of him and refuses to let him join, but when she’s on the phone to get a replacement, he slips past her and ingratiates himself with one of the ladies.
I am shocked that Lilly didn’t know who Kant was. Did she not, when she learned that both Bison and Fadel had boyfriends, investigate said boyfriends? Especially because Kant has pretty distinctive tattoos. If she knew anything about him at all, she would know who he was. But even more egregious is how later, Bison is pretending to golf near where Lilly and the other ladies are, in full view of Lilly, in broad daylight. Kant even nods at Bison in acknowledgement while standing right next to Lilly.
But if she knows, she’s either good at hiding it, or they’re saving that reveal for next week. Because she doesn’t seem to notice Bison at all, and even tells Kant that she’ll hire him for another job later.
Still, I think Fadel and Style’s shenanigans may actually be worse, as they’re following Keen. Fadel, at this point, is fully aware that Keen is the one who shot Style in last week’s episode, because he recognized the tattoo on Keen’s wrist. Yet he lets Style lead as they try and sneak up on Keen, and they almost get spotted. Later, when Keen goes up to meet Thanon, Style is the one who suggests he go in as room service, and Fadel agrees. Um, no? Keen literally tried to kill you both. He knows what Style looks like.

Why are they so bad at this? How have they gone so long without anyone knowing who they are? I know this isn’t important in the grand scheme of things, but it is seriously driving me crazy.
Keen is not ignorant like Lilly seems to be. Not only does he recognize Style, he clocked the two of them following him at the restaurant. But Style and Fadel are able to overpower him and threaten both him and Thanon, and it turns out that Keen doesn’t know anything, as he is just as shocked to learn that Lilly is responsible for their parents’ deaths. This is when Keen admits to Fadel that Lilly had his ex-boyfriend killed.
I’ll admit that I was sure that was going to be the case, after they brought the ex back up in last week’s episode. But I was really starting to come around to the theory that the ex was a plant and also a hitman, so I was kind of hoping that was what was going to happen. However, I’m not surprised that they didn’t go that route; his ex having been killed is the obvious answer, as it would help solidify Fadel’s anger at Lilly and also work to strengthen his relationship with Style.
Because this is when Fadel breaks. He was able to keep it together after learning the truth about Lilly because he had to remain pragmatic in the face of Bison’s righteous anger. But alone with Style, he is able to fully grieve the relationship that he lost. (Honestly, all of this further convinces me that Bison was not aware of this at all.) Joong’s acting here was spectacular, as Fadel tearfully tells Style that he should leave for his own safety; he won’t even be mad.
No lies here, I originally came for FirstKhao. When I first saw the pilot, that was what excited me most. But I am all in on Fadel and Style. Joong and Dunk have really hooked me; they are way more compelling here than they were in Hidden Agenda (which is the only one of their series I have seen). Fadel and Style are just super complex and interesting characters, and I genuinely love their relationship.
But I do have a soft spot for Kant and Bison, who now that everything is out in the open are back to being their adorable selves. Their scene in the abandoned pool, where they reenact the scene from Titanic, was super cute. (Just don’t think about the fact that neither First nor Khao were alive when Titanic was in theaters.) I also love how neither of them was able to focus on the job because the other was just too cute.
It looks like next week is when we finally get our reckoning. And I may actually get those weddings I want so much!
Author: Jamie Sugah
Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.
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