To The Surprise of Nobody, the Baby Yoda Funko Pop! Broke Sales Records

baby yoda funko pop

The Baby Yoda Funko Pop! has set a record as the top pre-order Pop! doll of all time.  And is anyone actually surprised?  It’s a frenzy.

The Baby Yoda Funko Pop! was one of the first things fans demanded as soon as the little fella showed up on The MandalorianI made my first tweet about it the day after the second episode aired, after all.  I had zero chill.

And I kept tweeting at themRepeatedlySo many times.

(Sorry, Funko social media dude.  Again, I have zero chill.  But thank you for listening to us).

So when news finally dropped that a Baby Yoda Funko Pop! was actually going to hit shelves, a lot of us raced to pre-order him.  Even with an expected release date of June, the demand was high.  Because, let’s be real, most of this merch has a really long delivery date so we were totally cool with this.  The Sideshow doll has a delivery date of October, so really, this is one of the earlier pieces of merch, all things considered. 

Give us our Baby Yoda Funko Pops! please! At any time.

We were just basically like…

And we’ll see that baby when he’s good and ready.

Now we have word that it’s officially the highest selling pre-order for any Funko Pop! in history.  And really, considering the absolute frenzy surrounding the character, I’m not at all surprised by this.  I have truly never seen a character enshrine himself so thoroughly in the pop culture zeitgeist like he has.  It’s been an absolutely wild ride, so of course he’s breaking records.  Of course.

I expect the Baby Yoda Build-A-Bear and Baby Yoda Hasbro exclusives will have insanely high numbers as well.  Will they break company records?  Maybe.  If they don’t break records, they’ll at least be in very high demand.

If you want to keep up on all things Baby Yoda, we have a running list at the bottom of our first Baby Yoda merchandise post.  Our most recent edition is the Geeki Tiki mugs, which, if purchased through our affiliate link, will help support our website.  So if you want some Baby Yoda merch AND want to support the Geekiary, give that a click!  We would be incredibly grateful.

We are also posting less crucial and life-changing merch over on Instagram.  Some things may not require a full write up, but it’s still good to know about, so go give us a follow!  If we see something, we’ll post it.  And with the Toy Fair coming up, our sightings will likely increase.

The second season of The Mandalorian is already well into production.  As of last Friday, we are on track for a fall 2020 premiere date.  Now that the cat is out of the bag about our dear sweet Baby Yoda, I expect official merch will be much easier to roll out for the second season.  The frenzy is already calming down somewhat, though he’s still highly loved by fandom and provides great meme fodder.

Author: Angel Wilson

Angel is the admin of The Geekiary and a geek culture commentator. They earned a BA in Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz. They have contributed to various podcasts and webcasts including An Englishman in San Diego, Free to Be Radio, and Genre TV for All. They identify as queer.

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