We’re Going To The Birds!

the Geeki-Aviary bird in nest surrounded by bird friends

We’ve decided that it’s been long enough to be safe for us to pursue our TRUE passion: birds! Specifically, nerdy birds. Welcome to our fresh new rebrand! We are now The GeekiAviary. They’re birds. We have FEELINGS. This is where we share them.

Time and again we’ve seen you guys in the comments: “Star Wars and Our Flag Means Death are all very well and good, but where are the BIRDS?” Today is your day, friends. The GeekiAviary is here to bring you all the best Bird News from the fandoms you love. 

Were you the kid singing along with Big Bird on all his Sesame Street solos? Maybe even cutting apart wrapping paper rolls and pillows to make a sweet Big Bird costume for Halloween?

Are there more than three bird plushies on your bed right now? Are any of those Disney or Pixar characters?

Have you always wondered why Donald Duck wears no pants in a universe where most characters ONLY wear bottoms?

Do you stay up late worrying about Cotton’s parrot from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl? Does it bother you that the bird never even gets a name?

You’re not alone. We have all the fandom bird news your feathery heart desires. Today, and every day, we’ll be singing from the treetops. Here’s a few articles we have coming up:

  • How The Sword In The Stone‘s Archimedes broke new ground for bird sidekicks
  • Which franchises have the best track record for ethical treatment of Avian Actors
  • Interviews with the actors inside the Porg costumes (with a discussion of the rampant ageism and ableism in the casting world)
  • Bird-Brain from Marvel Comics: Would this character fly in the modern superhero world?

It will take us a few days to roll out the new graphics changes to our website, and a few more to get our new GeekiAviary BirbFax app up and running. Be patient- you’ll love the app’s features. (There might be a fun audio guessing game perfect for long bus rides or waiting room boredom!)

We’re also making plans to attend The Biggest Week in American Birding, a ten day festival in Ohio starting May 3. Although we’ll be new to the gathering, several major ornithological fandom groups have already reached out with interview offers. (You can get details here if you’d like to join us!)

It’s time to stretch our wings, people. You don’t have to hide your nerdy bird love anymore. You’re among friends. And remember- they’re birds. We have FEELINGS. 

This is where we share them.

Author: Khai

Khai is a writer, anthropologist, and games enthusiast. She is co-editor (alongside Alex DeCampi) of and contributor to “True War Stories”, a comic anthology published by Z2 Comics. When she’s not writing or creating games, Khai likes to run more tabletop RPGs than one person should reasonably juggle.

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